Sunday, September 15, 2024

Monday the San Francisco 49ers beat the New York Jets 32-19, and Tuesday Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump more soundly.

Skilled and well-prepared, the ‘Niners scored on eight consecutive drives, although too often they settled for 3-point field goals, not touchdowns. With football’s best running back injured, a young, unknown 49er ran all over the field.

Harris was skilled and well-prepared, with facts, Donald Trump’s own past words, and a few special plays. She won soundly on content and in the optics. She got under his skin, helping him forget his best plays and rant about his greatness instead. He resembled a football player so frustrated by a broken tackle that he just loses his temper and earns a 15-yard personal-foul penalty.

Harris, too, sometimes settled for field goals, and she evaded some questions. Her answer on tariffs could have pointed out that his more extensive tariff plans to “punish China” would punish U.S. consumers. When he completely refused to answer a simple question, she could have used her rebuttal minute well by saying, “You asked Mr. Trump whether he regretted anything he did on January 6 [or, Why he sabotaged the bipartisan border bill?], and he refused to answer, so let me yield him my minute, so he can answer your question.”

But she prosecuted him ably. On split-screen, her facial expressions and body language commented eloquently on Trump’s stupid lies and disconnections.

Then wildly popular singer Taylor Swift, who’d rooted her boyfriend’s team to a Super Bowl victory over the ‘Niners, endorsed Harris, in a well-composed post saying Harris fought ably for causes Swift thought “needed a warrior” championing them. Swift stressed her research, urged others to do research, and provided a link to – which 330,000 used within hours. (The post quickly had 10 million “likes.”) Celebrity endorsements shouldn’t matter so much; but this one could. She has 283 million Instagram “followers.”

When Biden withdrew, I said that Trump should duck a debate with Harris. Trump, leading, should let folks remember Biden’s poor debate performance and Trump’s superficial strength. Treat Harris like the interloper Trump now calls her. But an overconfident Trump wouldn’t have listened. He knows he can do anything better than anyone.

Tuesday night, I hoped for no further debate. Harris would likely win again; but why not let this fine evening be folks’ vision of Harris and Trump? The Chiefs didn’t offer the ‘Niners a rematch just for fun.

This debate revealed important realities: Donald Trump is a petulant old man with a few fixed ideas he yammers loudly and often, without compassion and lacking patience for honest engagement. Harris was younger, sharp-witted, disciplined enough to stay on-script, and seemed genuine. A less unsettled Trump could have landed some blows. He could have calmly noted her vice-presidency and ask why, if X and Y were such good ideas, she and Joe hadn’t done ‘em. Trump’s mental acuity has long been suspect. How many Republicans now wish they could do as the Democrats did? They can’t, partly ‘cause Trump ain’t walking away. Biden cared.

Harris replacing Biden equalized polling numbers, and gave her momentum. Recent signs suggested momentum was stalling. Folks watching clips from this debate and hearing Republicans bemoan Trump’s poor performance could refuel momentum.

Harris remains the underdog. But will some politically aggrieved folks who liked Trump’s anger see that Trump’s personal anger is irrelevant to their problems? Will Swifties swiftly rescue us?

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